Monday, February 22, 2010

The Unknown Sucks!

Even if it's bad news, I'd rather know what's going on.  Most people I know say they'd rather get the full news than bits and pieces that would only allow the imagination to race out of control.

So when I get a voice message from the leader of the work team saying they'd arrived at Cap Haitian's airport and no Brian in sight, I begin to wonder....which then leads to worry.  Not normal for Brian not to be on schedule.  Could be vehicle trouble though.  So don't fret.

I get a message from Brad wondering if I'd heard from Brian.  He mentions there's been a lot of rain and the vehicle could have gotten stuck.  Sounds reasonable...put the worry on hold.
I call Brad and find out that that Brian had made it to town and got the group and they were on their way to the camp in Lagosette.  

So what was the delay?  While Brian was moving a generator he got his finger pinched between it and a steel pipe and had to go get it stitched before heading to the airport.  Not sure how bad it was.  OK, so he's alive....good news!  Now I allow the imagination freedom.  How much of his finger was pinched?  Did he break his finger as well?  Then common sense answers....Well, if he drove to the airport, if can't be that bad.  Yeah, but maybe someone had to drive him.  So many questions!!

Brian called the following evening (good to hear his voice!) and he tells me the tip of his finger was reattached and the doctor (who just happened to be a hand and foot surgeon there from the USA) said he'd know if it reattached well after 10 days.  I asked if the bone had broken (thinking if the answer is no then it was just Brian's fleshy finger tip that was nipped off).  His answer was he wasn't sure.  I told him to keep it clean.  And Brian being Brian said it's hard to do that with having a work team there and he needing to get the work done while they were there.  I kept my "chewing him out" at bay, seeing as he'd already suffered from the accident, and we said our goodbyes (calls are always very brief when calling from Haiti).

Now I'm thinking...."If it was just the fleshy tip there would be no need to reattach it.  They would have just stitched it close.  So how much of 'the tip' was actually squished and reattached!???"

It sucks not knowing the whole story!