Thursday, February 28, 2008

How Sweet It Is

The scriptures tell us in Romans 10:15 "How sweet are the feet of those who bring Good News", but I can tell you how sweet it is to work with this group of Good News bringers. It is an absolute blessing to work with brothers and sisters who love each other, love the Lord first and foremost, and live in peace with one another.

Tj and Holly are doing an amazing job with the young people who, up until they got them involved in wonderful instruction and Christ directed activities, spent most of their time wandering the streets and getting into trouble. God has blessed both TJ and Holly with talents and abilities that they are using to tell Rio San Juan that God has not abandoned us, but that he longs for us to be reunited with Him.
Cory and Laura Beth are going at it full tilt with the children in the Children's Homes. It is now much better organised and the children are so happy and love them both. They have gotten many of the kids from the neighborhood, CaraqueƱo, involved in studies and activities. They are truly an answer to prayers and such a wonderful blessing and addition to the mission team.

Norm Curington has already set me up with some amazing contacts that will help us in the teaching and discipling area of the work; and he's also in the process of getting things rolling for the purchase of the property for the new Outreach Center. It is such a blessing to have Norm as a brother in the Lord who is passionate about the work and has lifted such a responsibility off me and frees me up to do more one on one time with the folks in the community.

The Bynums are getting their feet firmly planted and are a great help. Tim's ability with Spanish and his teaching have been a very welcome blessing. Lisa is a great cook and quick to share with all of us. I hope the growth with the team is spiritual and not just around our girth as a result of her talent!! Lindsey and Ethan have settled in well and have started back with their home schooling responsibilities. They both have numerous skills and are helping us in many ways with Bible classes, computer diagnostics and manual labor.

Tammie, of course, is amazing and believe me, if she was not my partner in this work, I would not be able to do it. I thank God constantly for her and know that I am in no way deserving of such a wonderful wife and best friend.

I told you it was a blessing. Am I right or what? Thank you God.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy Birthday LB

The MannaDR staff all gathered at Playa Grande for a much needed break, but the real attraction was Laura Beth's first birthday here in the Dominican Republic. After catching some rays and waves, we moved the party over to Norm's place for some burgers, fixin's and birthday cake (baked by Norm...we're learning more and more about one another!!) Where's the beef? One-third of it we used to make 30 burgers and the other two-thirds will need to be placed in the Bynums new freezer for future use. That's a lot of meat!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

What a weekend....
....I drove over the mountain to pick up Brian at the airport and wasnt looking forward to the drive back, but our co-workers surprised us with a night at a nearby hotel so that we could relax. Now this is more like it...

Thanks, Guys!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

...and the partying continues. Received some flowers for my B-day from the McClouds. Norm brought my gift to myself from the states, a camera to replace my broken one,
and in 2 days my hubby returns from Guatemala!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Had a Birthday-breakfast hosted by co-workers Bynums. Homemade "Krispy-Kreme" donuts!
Mrs Bynum (Lisa), has gained the reputation for "having a recipe for that"...truly, for whatever one may be craving. For some reason she cringes at the honor, but for those of us who have feasted upon the goodies, we love it!! Co-workers Lambs presented me with a card crafted by themselves and the children in the homes. IMed with Brian and my daughter, Shawnean. A lovely day!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Like My Journal

Ok...seems like this blog has as many entries as when I used to keep a journal. Part of it is because my life is so full and part is because I forget ID names and passwords. Perhaps I'll do better over time.