Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Next step

Prayers were answered and Jarisa was granted a visa!! We now wait for the visa to be delivered.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Dreary Day

What did Brian do on his day off? Some catching up.

After being away in language school and jumping into spring groups upon his return, Brian had a lot of catching up to do with his bookwork in order for me to log it and send it in to our sponsoring congregation. This isn't Brian's favorite thing to do, but he got stuck into it and did it. Now that he's finshed with it and it's early evening he wants to get out and work in the of his favorite things to do, but it's raining. Dreary day.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Round Two

Jarisa and her mom seem confident as they prepare to head out for round two at the US Consulate. Their appointment is tomorrow morning (28th) at 11:00. Please keep them in your prayers as they travel to and from the capital, their overnight stay and the interview

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Good to Know?

Maybe, maybe not...but it'll be interesting to see what you know. (Answers are at the end).

1. When is the "changing of shoes" customarily done for females in many Latino cultures?
a) First time to get a pedicure
b) Graduate from school
c) Becoming engaged
d) When turning fifteen

2. Can you identify the following 5 items that can be found in a missionary's home.

3. In what country is this picture taken?
a) Dominican Republic
b) South Africa
c) USA
d) Haiti
4. Where is this fortress?
a) Haiti
b) China
c) Dominican Republic
d) Angola

5. How old is Tammie in this picture?

a) 12, b) 18, c) 22, d) 27

6. Name the dogs the Wallaces are "fostering".

a) Precious and Charlie

b) Uluru and Creed

c) Brooklyn and Uluru
d) Creed and Brooklyn
7. Who's missing from this missionary profile?
a) Charlie and Norm
b) Norm and Creed
c) Luke and Norm
d) all the above
8. What does this mean in sign language?
a) kiss
b) please
c) more
d) with


1. When turning 15 2.a) boa , b) coconut, c) spider's egg sack, d) mushroom, e) icecream maker

3. South Africa 4. Haiti 5. 27 6. Brooklyn and Uluru 7. all the above 8. more

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Dying to Self, Living for Christ

Introducing (L to R) Rosemery and Yania, both who will be turning 14 this year. Yania has been in the children's home for almost 6 years and Rosemery for almost 4. Recent Bible classes by Cory have been focusing on "The Life of a Christian" and these two senoritas took the step to giving their lives to follow Jesus. Please pray for them as they continue to grow in the knowledge and love of our Savior.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Poor Creed

I don't know what his deal is lately, but something's up. He fell down this spiral staircase last week, then the other day when he jumped off the bed he landed face first and acted like he had a brain freeze (no mean comments about that seems normal for him!), and yesterday when he made a running leap to jump on my lap, his lip (yes, dogs have lips)cracked into my knee. Shame!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Let it Grow, Let it Grow, Let it Grow

We've started a garden. Stems (no pun intended) from a lack of variety in produce of good nutritional value and the rising cost of what is available. The garden will provide, depending on the season and quantity, veges for the homes, the groups, and the staff. It'll also be a training opportunity for all as well.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Computer Guts

No wonder computers are always giving problems. What a mess!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Big City

Back from the capital, Santo Domingo. Left on the Caribe Tours bus with Jarisa (highschooler in one of the Children's Homes) in order to meet up with Jenny Henderson, who'd landed at the Puerto Plata airport then picked up Jarisa's mom, at the hotel where we'd be staying while working on Jarisa's student visa. After lots of running back and forth to banks to pay fees from the consulate general, and lots of waiting in lines, Jarisa was told no to the visa request, and that she'd need to provide more proof of her return to the DR after her education in the States ended. So another appointment has been made two weeks from now, and attempt 2 will be made with more backing of the intent to ensure that Jarisa returns to help her people in her country with the education she hopes to gain in the USA. Continue to pray! To salve the disappointment Jenny asked Jarisa what she'd like to do. She wanted to go to the Acuario (aquarium). So we did, and they really enjoyed it.

It's a good 5 hours to the capital and while there Brian and Tim worked on getting Manna's NGO documents all in order (we've always been told it's done, but everytime we turn around to use it we're told we're lacking a form or something) so that they could claim the rig. It's here!!

It wasn't all work while there. Tim, Lisa, Norm, Brian and myself attended the Warden's Reunion at the US Ambassador's residence. Met the agent who'd we'd been in contact with while searching for Shane. It was good to meet various ones and for them to learn more about who we are and what we do. We got all dressed up for the occassion and all looked quite sharp, but we didn't take any pictures, so you'll just have to take our word for it!

Monday, April 14, 2008

What's the difference...

...between mouthwash and lotion? Try substituting one for the other in the dark and your tastebuds will quickly tell you. FYI...takes a long time to get the taste of lotion out of your mouth.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Easter in TX

Missing my grandbaby...I guess I'll need to be calling her my granddaughter now that another baby is on the way.
More on that later...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Taking Care of Business

The guys are all set to take on the Dominican business world and any hurdles that come their way.

Monday, April 7, 2008

God's ways....

I love to see how God works things out. Don't always "get It" at first, but I know He knows what He's doing and I trust Him.
And it's on that thought wave that my mind wandered to our weekend in Highland View (our sponsoring congregation) this past January. We had a great reunion and some new key speakers. At the reunion we'd put out the word for the need of replacing the McClouds in the Rio San Juan Outreach Center, and our need for a well-driller. Several attending have shown interest, as well as others who've visited the DR. It's always encouraging to see how the Lord moves amongest his people and what He can do with some planted seeds. Please pray for guidance in those who've set their lives before the Lord to be used here in the DR, and that all will be worked out according to His plan.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Changing Seasons...

...days of Africa
...days of Haiti...days of the DR

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Little Brother Shane

Most know of the loss of Shane Ruiz while here in the Dominican Republic with a FHU Spring Break team while serving others. It's been very difficult to think beyond the moment, but as I looked through my photos of their first day, I saw Shane with a picture of one of our boys, Ariel, in the homes. What struck me about this photo is that Ariel is Shane's older brother's, Michael, sponsorchild. I'm so happy to have Michael's two little brother's in a picture together.