Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last Half of the Summer

What a busy blessing filled summer we've had:

The last 4 groups, John Sloan's group, Otter Creek group, Collective group of Volunteers, and Red Wood City group all came building upon what we've been working on throughout the summer. First and foremost the relationships with the kids and neighbors in the neighborhood of Lagosette by time spent with them visiting, worshipping in the local church, and the VBS that they had prepared to present. The children absolutely loved it as did the young adults and grownups who brought littler ones and passerbys.

Lots of work was done at the school house and the church building. Scraping (oh there was a ton of scraping!!) and painting, constructing privacy half walls for the classrooms, pathways, new building for kindergarden 1 and 2, storage shed for the kitchen pots and food for the feeding program. A walkway for our neighbor mission, Children of the Promise as well as some electric and plumbing done at the camp.

Couple of ladies in a nearby village had homes that were crumbling away with termites and rot. With the extra labor of several groups these ladies and their children have cement block homes and tin rooves.
Lots of clothing and sheets and towels were passed out into the community that were donated by the groups as well as children clothing and drawstring backpacks given out to the kids in Lagosette. We thank you all who gave of your time, resources, energy, and funds to make this all possible. It was a wonderful summer!!!