Monday, March 16, 2009

Sighting of the Wallaces

Hopefully there's some of you that faithfully checked out the blog hoping to find an update, any update that would clue you in to what's been going on with us. Well, we're back. In order to avoid writing a novel of what's been going on since our last entry, I'll note a few of the notable personal happenings since our last entry.

Birth of our grandson, Liam, blessed our lives.

Tammie spent the month in TX with the grand kids and in FL with her parents.

My dad, known as "the cutest Grandad in the world", breathed his last breathe of this earthly air and inhaled deeply of the presence of our heavenly Father.

Went to New Zealand for the graduation and wedding of our daughter, Shawnean.

Moved to the US to be a help to my mom.
Brian went to help his mom and dad in SA after complications arose when his dad fell and required back surgery.

Doors opening for us to remain involved in mission work.
Daughter, Shawnean returned to the US, when her NZ visa expired.
Tammie turned 50!!!

Son-in-law, Jono, joins Shawnean with his USA visa.

This month, Beacon Light Ministries will be changing it’s name to Manna Global Ministries, which will be an expansion of the current work in the Dominican Republic through MannaDR as well as work in Haiti and other countries. Directing the Manna Global Ministries’ efforts while trailblazing a new missionary training program are Brian, founder of MannaDR, and Norm Curington, current missionary in Rio San Juan, DR and former director of Beacon Light Ministries. Brian will serve as the president of Manna Global Ministries. These combined endeavors will give vast new opportunities through missions, discipleship, worldwide relief efforts and simple everyday Christian fellowship. The goal with this new organization is to mirror the example of Christ’s love for His people on earth.

SO...exciting things are ahead and I'll try to keep you posted!


Frank said...

So will we be able to see you when we go to the Dominican? Are you living in your same house?

Frank said...

Does this mean we will be able to see you, work with you when we come to the Dominican Ap. 10 - 15? Are you living in the same house?

oodrea1221 said...

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! It was so good to raad the update and the new beginnings for the work in the DR & Haiti... we'll be praying for that and your families... I told Swan that if they don't find jobs soon, they should go try in be closer to her mommy (and dad and grandma!)...that maybe it was the Holy Spirit trying to tell them something!

Tom Buterbaugh said...

So good to see an update. We heard about your Dad and you have been in our thoughts and prayers. You guys are so special to us.

Unknown said...

I might have known you would be up to something.Can't keep you two still for a moment.Love and Blessings to you both Love you from
Beverley in a chilly L'Agulhas. The sea temperatures in Table Bay have not gone above 16C. Global warming is alive and well and living in a city near you.Recycle renew,restore we can do this!