Friday, March 27, 2009

Brian's Back from the DR

Brian's back from the DR and had a great trip. Cory and Laura Beth Lamb's transition of their 2 years coming to an end has gone well, and their replacements the Cordobas, Porfirio and Carlas and family, are adjusting very well.

The two new missionary couples, Rich and Audrey Amy and Kyle and Vicki Graham, that arrived in January 2008 are going full swing and are being a blessing to the DR work. See their updates at the "similar links".

The Children's Home boys' house mom, Belqui, turned in her notice and there's now new house parents, Nicolas and Virginia Casimero, that have been a God send.

Of course Brian took in several soccer matches with the home kids and neighborhood kids as well as with the group. It was during one of these matches that he heard a snap and when he hit the ground and couldn't get back up realized the sound had come from his leg. Once back in the states the Lord blessed us with someone to x-ray it and were relieved to find out it was not a snapped tendon but a very bad sprain. He's got physically therapy exercises that he's been instructed to do and hopefully will be up and running like new.