Sunday, December 27, 2009

Making Cookies

While in Canadian Kaiya and I did several fun projects together. Making christmas cookies was one.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

I hadn't done much to decorate the house since we were going to be away for Christmas, but then felt a little bad that Shawnean and Jono would be left alone at home (they're staying with us for the moment) without any festivities, so I put out a few Christmas knick-knacks. Still didn't put me in much of a Christmas mood.

But now, here in Canadian, TX, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. There's snow and a Christmas tree!! Whoohoo!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

6 Weeks is a Long Time

Brian was gone for over 6 weeks this last trip to the Dominican Republic (DR) and Haiti.

Along with the usual quarterly visit of visitng the team and checking on the ongoing work in the DR, he went to Haiti to assess the property and buildings in order to see what repairs and needs would need to be done in order to prepare the camp in Lagosette for summer groups of 2010!!
It wasn't as bad as expected, but there's alot that needs to be done to make it ready for campers. Hopefully we'll be able to raise the funding to make those repairs and equip the camp with beds, stove, fridge etc, as well as having a team of people come in to help with the manual labor. Will continue to keep you posted on that.

While hopping back and forth between the DR and Haiti, Brian was able to participate with the Magi Project going on in both countries. One group of people he lead up to El Morrito in the DR to have their first experience with receiving a Magi gift. Thank you all who participate in the Magi project for both Haiti and the DR. It's a gift in itself to see the look on those children's faces when they receive your gifts. Thank you. Here's a link to view some pictures of the Magi distribution:

Now that Brian is home we're off for a personal trip. Heading to Texas with my mom to have Christmas with the kids and grandkids there.

Merry Christmas to you all!